About our Church


Location and Service Times

Mission, Vision, and Values

Current Sermon Series:

Join us as we dive into “The Gospel of Luke”, a verse-by-verse journey through one of the most detailed accounts of Jesus’ life and ministry. In the first part of this series, “The Coming of the Savior” (chapters 1–6), we’ll encounter the miraculous announcement of Jesus’ birth, the faith of Mary and Zechariah, the angelic proclamation to shepherds, and the boy Jesus astounding the teachers in the temple. We’ll witness John the Baptist preparing the way for the Messiah and hear Jesus’ powerful teachings and miracles from the start of His ministry. This is a story of divine promises fulfilled, lives transformed, and the hope of salvation arriving in the person of Jesus Christ. Whether you’re new to faith or seeking to grow deeper, this series will inspire and encourage you to trust in the Savior who came for you.

Service Times:

Worship Service - Sundays at 10:00am

Midweek Prayer - Wednesdays at 6:30pm